Wednesday, December 14, 2005

D-Day 2006

Okay, not D-Day, more like HVR Day. I've scheduled my heart valve replacement for Monday, January 23. Bright and early - gotta be there at 5:45 and then surgery at 7:30. Tony's not going to like having to get up so early - that's the sort of thing which could really throw his day off. ;-)

Glad I don't have to stay over in the hospital the night before (creepy!) but it seems odd to go into this "cold" without the overnight monitoring (or whatever they'd be doing to me if I were there).

The doctors and staff all seem so casual about open heart surgery... like it's no big deal. Which, to them, it really isn't; they're professionals, this is what they do, and they know that the risks to the patient are low. I'm glad for this confidence, and it doesn't come off as arrogant at all, purely self-assurance in what they do. Which gives me peace of mind to put myself in their hands.

However, I did get the feeling that I was scheduling to take my car in for service -- "Drop her off first thing Monday morning, leave her with us a few days, we'll have her up and running and back on the road by Friday".

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