Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Does Koosh make bike seats?

Tony and I went for a bike ride last night (yay, us!). Only the second ride so far for the year which is sad until you realize those two bike rides are more than we've done in probably the last six years combined. I know! We're lazy, that's just the way it is.

I'm in the market for a new bike seat (Tony, too). By the end of an hour-long bike ride, the seat (and by extension my shorts) had just too severely violated my personal space. Not good at all. Maybe this is why we don't ride that often. This and the whole lazy thing I mentioned earlier.

We've got some La-Z-Boy furniture at home that's extremely comfortable. Do you think they make bike seats? What about Koosh? If they could make a bike seat out of that stuff, that would be heaven!

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