Sunday, February 05, 2006

I'm home!!!

I think I owe my own tremendous-sized update after all the work Tony went to over the last couple weeks. I will be working on one in the next couple days.

In the mean time, rest assured I'm home and alive and well. The "well" bit gets a little hazy in areas, but I'm a trooper, I'll survive.

Just know that I'm cognitive, coherent, strong, etc. No rolling-eyed, drooling, touched in the head burden for Tony to have to deal with (at least not since like last Monday or something).

I can't express my appreciation to Tony, my parents, and my in-laws for all of their hands-on love and support over the last couple weeks. Remember, this was their emotional and physical burden for over a week before I was clued-in and had to upgrade my own fight.

And thank you to everyone who sent their best wishes, positive thoughts, prayers, etc. Visits were truly appreciated (not just by me), but even if you weren't there in body, I know you were in spirit.


Crazy momma to 3 said...

I am so glad to hear that you are home!! We've been constantly thinking about you. Can't wait to hear your update, please know that you have been in our thoughts and will continue to be!


Stormy said...

Hey there! J and I are so glad you are home! Continue getting better! You are in our thoughts and prayers! ~N and J