Wednesday, January 18, 2006

All About Monday

I had my pre-surgery physical today at St Joe's. I think they are a little excited to have someone under the age of 70 to work with. :-) Two Physician Assistants (one experienced, one in training) came in and asked me the usual (although extensive) battery of "have you ever had/experienced (fill-in-the-medical malady)?" questions. I maintained an almost steady shaking of the head "No. No. Uh uh. No." They looked a little surprised - in their usual course of work they probably run into people with any range of health conditions other than the heart condition for which they are being treated (face it, you live long enough you acquire a laundry list of "yes, I have/had _____". My summary to them today was "nope, just the pesky heart defect".

I do have a CAT scan scheduled tomorrow morning (that came up late this afternoon so I haven't had a chance to mention it to my boss -- but his wife reads my blog, so he might be just about to find out). The CAT scan just gives the surgeon a little more information about what he'll find Monday morning. I'm all about him getting all the info he needs before he gets in there!

We learned more about next week's hospital stay and what to expect during the procedure and recovery. Lots of valuable information and it's nice to know as much as you can ahead of time, but there's a point where you just say "yeah, yeah, yeah, let's just do it already and get it over with!"

I'll be in the intensive care unit for 24 hours after surgery, which means Tuesday morning I'll be moved (by wheelchair even, not by gurney) to a regular recovery room (private, thankfully). My total hospital stay (I'm expecting a swift, smooth recovery with no complications) should have me home Friday or Saturday. I'm shooting for Friday.

Visiting hours are 11:00 a.m. through 8:00 p.m. Tony'll be pulling some long hours at my bedside so he would welcome some friendly faces, too, I'm sure. Here's where to find us:

Wish us well and we look forward to seeing you soon.

1 comment:

Crazy momma to 3 said...

Good luck Monday! I am certainly thinking about you:) And no worries about telling Jeff, I'll handle that for ya!
