Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Caffeine or Calories?

I used to be addicted to Diet Coke. Sometime last year I figured my consumption to be 100+ ounces a day and that's what I would admit to. Since January (and my ordeal) it just hasn't tasted right to me. Granted, I haven't even tried it since March but I figure hey, I broke an ugly habit, why tempt fate by trying it just to see if I like it; let's just assume I don't and I can move on with my life.

Side note: I chalk at least one of the "unresponsive" days in ICU up to kicking my caffeine habit.

I still like to drink pop and my carbonated beverage of choice is now Diet Squirt. Yes, Diet Squirt, I know it's unusual, but it was my go-to drink in February (loved the fruity goodness). Diet is still my preference (no calories) and I'm enjoying being free from the caffeine (and the health related implications of over-consumption). My pop consumption has been reduced to about 20 ounces a day. Yay, me!

Going out to eat poses a dilemma, though. Have you tried to find a diet caffeine-free soft drink in a restaurant? Not really going to happen. Sometimes you just gotta have the pop, though. Water or iced tea doesn't really do it for me next to my combination plate at Mexican Fiesta. So the question is... should I partake of the calories of Sprite or Sierra Mist, or just throw caution to the wind and go for good old fashioned zero calorie Diet Coke?

Instead of opening the Pandora's box of Diet Coke, I have decided to make a habit of opting for the calories over the caffeine. Heck, I'm already addicted to calories so what's a few more?

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